Frequently Asked Questions
Car Accident Claims FAQ
Car Accident Claims FAQ Filing a car accident claim? Read on for the answers to some of the most common questions. Q: Can I recover even if the accident was my fault? A: Whether you can recover if the accident was your fault depends on the laws of your state. Some states do not consider…
Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ
Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ Personal Injury Lawyer FAQ The Bernstein & Maryanoff Injury Attorneys team is a group of legal professionals who represent accident victims. Whatever your type of injury case, our lawyers in Miami are prepared to fight for you. Our team can represent you in your claim for compensation, whether you’re the victim…
Slip & Fall Accident Claims FAQ
Slip & Fall Accident Claims FAQ When you’re hurt in a slip and fall accident, you have questions. You want to know whether you can bring a case and what you can recover for your damages. It’s important to educate yourself about the law when a slip and fall occurs. When you learn the slip…
Traumatic Brain Injury FAQ
Traumatic Brain Injury FAQ Q: How do you prove the existence of a brain injury? A: There is a variety of ways in which medical and psychological professionals diagnose brain injuries. The method will depend on the nature and extent of the injury. Some examples of diagnostic tools are MRIs, CT scans, PET scans and…
Legal Malpractice Claims FAQ
Legal Malpractice Claims FAQ Q: My lawyer originally said my case was worth over six figures, and now she’s telling me I should settle for a few thousand dollars. Can I sue her for the difference? A: No. Your lawyer may have given you an inflated estimate of the value of your case to encourage you…
Sexual Abuse & Assault Claims FAQ
Sexual Abuse & Assault Claims FAQ Q: What is sexual assault? A: Sexual assault is generally conduct of a sexual nature toward another person that is accompanied by actual or threatened physical force or that causes fear, shame, or mental suffering. Q: Who can I sue for injuries from a sexual assault? A: If you…
Protecting Your Rights Since 1983
Bernstein & Maryanoff Injury Attorneys do their best to make sure you get the maximum compensation for your injuries. Please call us before you speak to an insurance company.
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1 (800) 429-4529
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